Industrial Court


Industrial Court

Industrial Court

Composition of the Court

The Industrial Court consists of a Judge, who is called the President, and as many judges as the President considers necessary. Additionally, it includes two or more members or their alternates who possess special skills and knowledge in industrial relations matters. The President and Judges are qualified to be appointed judges of the High Court and are appointed in the same manner.

Role of the Industrial Court

The Industrial Court is a specialized court that hears labor disputes and makes orders, declarations, and judgments in accordance with the Industrial Relations Act and Industrial Relations Rules. Its purpose is to further, secure, and maintain good industrial or labor relations and employment conditions in Eswatini.

Constitution of the Court

The Industrial Court is constituted before a judge and two members. One member is nominated by the employees' federations, and the other member is nominated by the employers' federation. This composition ensures representation from both sides of labor relations.

High Court of Eswatini

Hospital Hill, Mbabane, Eswatini

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